Friday, January 13, 2012

Coolest place to work in the world: The office that is just like a giant playground

Just like a real life Willy Wonka factory this office could be the coolest place in the world to work.

With work spaces decorated with swirly lollipops, giant cupcakes, a treehouse, boot houses and even a flowing waterfall concealing a secret office, Inventionland has been designed to get big minds thinking.

The bizarre workspace in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is home to Davison, a product-development company whose inventions are sold in Wal-Mart, Target, FAO Schwartz, J.C. Penney and many other major brands. 
Hull of an office: Workers use the deck of this ship while tackling projects
Hull of an office: Workers use the deck of this ship while tackling projects

Ship shape: Working life is plain sailing at Inventionland
Ship shape: Working life is plain sailing at Inventionland

Master inventor George M. Davison, the founder and CEO of Davison, has been described as the Henry Ford of inventions and after founding his company in 1989, moved his staff in 2006 to Inventionland hoping his staff would be inspired by their wacky surroundings. 


The company launches over 2,500 inventions each year. All are produced by its 250 staff working in the colourful 75,000 sq. feet seen in these pictures.

‘Creative use of space motivates and inspires creativity among employees,’ said Davison. ‘And I never want to get stale or to get bored looking at a computer screen.
Wacky: Davison does have something of a chequered history
Wacky: Davison does have something of a chequered history
Barking: One of the offices can be found in a treehouse
Barking: One of the offices can be found in a treehouse

Water great place: This lagoon area is another way that the workers are kept in a creative frame of mind
Water great place: This lagoon area is another way that the workers are kept in a creative frame of mind
‘Everyone gets ideas. But to say you're an inventor sounds like a narrow concept, as if you only dabble in chemistry sets.

‘Everyone has a creative side, and that's what I'm interested in, the creative arts.

‘Designers and dreamers here at Davison come up with 200-240 prototypes for new products each month, and we see approximately 3,000 to market each year.

‘Whether it's a one-room home office or an office park to rival the largest industries, finding the most creative way to structure space is fun and productive.’
Want a job there? It'd probably be a shoe-in...
Want a job there? It'd probably be a shoe-in...

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